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It is God's will that we start every day with Him. "Show me your ways and teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. On You do l waith all the day long." Ps 25: 4-5. 
1.Father, l have no desire to be deceived during the day. l really want to walk in the light of Your love and truth. I want to know and feel Your presence with me all the time. In this way l can serve You and obey You with gladness of heart. Make me sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit so He can warn me and show me a way out whenever I am in danger. Thank you for ln Jesus Mighty Name l pray Amen.

2. Father, today touch every aspect of my life, business and family.  Prosper evety thing l lay my hand to do today so that l will suffer no losses in every ares of my life and business.

3.Father, today, fill my heart
with Your joy and Your strenght. Help me to be thankful for Your plan for my life. Let every power assigned to derail Your plan for my life today be disappointed and be put to shame while I continue singing praises for your goodness and mercy. In Jesus mosy wonderful Name l prayed Amen.

4. Father please complete every good work You have started in my life, family and Ministry and let Your Name alone be glorified ln Jesus Name l pray.

5. Father, as l wait on You today, please by Your mercy and lovingkindnes open all the  ancient doors of progress the enemy has closed against  my life, family and Ministry. In Jesus most wonderful Name l pray Amen.


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