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Showing posts from September, 2020

Heaven and Hell are Real Part2

 Be warned: Jesus Christ is coming back very soon?(REV.22:12). His second coming is not to call sinners to Repentance again but to Rapture the church (1 Thes 4:16-17). That is to remove God's children from the world before the emergence of Anti-christ and the great tribulation that will lead to the end of the world. God's offer for forgiveness through geinue repentance is the only opportunity you have to make heaven and if you reject it while alive, you have lost every opportunity to be saved Do you know that God is about to destroy the inhabitants of this world because of Sin? Destruction of the inhabitants of this world is not a treat or speculation because during the days of Noah, God destroyed the inhabitants of the world with flood because of the sin? (Gen 6:1-8). Do you remember that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone because of Sin? The Nation of Israel (God's own people) was humble, scattered and carried into captivity because of Sin. The same


  PRAYER POINTS FOR THE WEEK. It is God's will that we start every day with Him. "Show me your ways and teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. On You do l waith all the day long." Ps 25: 4-5.  1.Father, l have no desire to be deceived during the day. l really want to walk in the light of Your love and truth. I want to know and feel Your presence with me all the time. In this way l can serve You and obey You with gladness of heart. Make me sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit so He can warn me and show me a way out whenever I am in danger. Thank you for ln Jesus Mighty Name l pray Amen. 2. Father, today touch every aspect of my life, business and family.  Prosper evety thing l lay my hand to do today so that l will suffer no losses in every ares of my life and business. 3.Father, today, fill my heart with Your joy and Your strenght. Help me to be thankful for Your plan for my life. Let every power assigned to d

Heaven and Hell Are Real1

Hello reader, do you know that Heaven, Hell and Eternity are Real? Do you know that you inherited Adam's sin at birth and if you die in sin you will spend Eternity in hell fire? But if you genuinely repent (Born Again) before your death, you will spend Eternity in Heaven? Life in the World is temporal but life in Eternity is forever. Because you inherited Adam's Sin of disobedience at birth, you came into the world as a sinner, a child of Satan and an enemy of God. God's punishment for sin is death and life in hell fire (Ezek18:4). The Bible says: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."(Rom3:23). The wages for sin is death that is-total separation from God.(Rom6:23). God hates sin and is continually angry with every sinner(Ps7:11). The Bible says: No sinner will inherit the Kingdom of God. Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor lesbians nor sodomites nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor rivelers, nor ext