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Showing posts from October, 2020

Confessions of Faith

  -And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death. Rev 12:11. -l shall not die but live to declare the goodness of the Lord.  -The Lord is my light and my Salvation whom shall l fear. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall l be afraid? Ps 27:1 -Though an Army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, on this l will be confident. Ps 27:3 -In You, O LORD, l put my trust, Let me never be ashamed. Deliver me in Rightousness O Lord for l trust in You with all my heart Psalm 31:2. -Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, O  God, my strength and my Redeemer psalm 19:14.

Prayer Points

1. Power to rise above my enemies fall upon me now ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. 2.Glory killers of my father's house, l kill you now, ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.  3. Every wicked mirror the enemy is using to monitor my physical and spiritual life for destruction, break to pieces ln the Jesus Name Amen. 4. Glory killers of my fathers house l kill you now ln Jesus Name Amen.  5.Ev river flowing into my foundation, dry up ln Jesus Name Amen. 6. Every ancient doors of prosperity the enemy has locked against me, l command you to open by fire by force, ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. 7. Every power scattering what l am gathering enough is enough die ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. 8. Every sin that has vowed to drag my soul to hell fire, you are a liar scatter, ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.  9. Every power projecting evil dreams into my sleep thereby turning my dreams into nightmare fall down now and die ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. 10. Spiritual armed robbers ass

Endtime Daily Confession

Image Source:Charisma Magazine. Day 1.   You prepare a table before me in the presence of my; You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and l will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Prayer Points

 Prayers: Powers of darkness assigned to destroy me be advised that l am in Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus is in me therefore you must first destroy Christ Jesus before you can have access to my life otherwise be frustrated forever and destroy yourself ln Jesus Name l pray Amen. *You evil and unforseen  circumstances surrounding my entire life and family; hear the Word of God break and scatter in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen * Every storm the enemy has programmed to take me by surprise l command you in the Name of Jesus Christ to be still, In Jesus Name Amen. *Father, fill every emptiness in my life with the Word of God, faith and hope. In Jesus Name l pray Amen. *Father, teach me how to appropriate Jesus Christ perfect work at Calvary in my daily life in Jesus Name Amen *Father, l know You created me and brought me into this world for a purpose. Please stand by me guide me and help me to fulfill that purpose. In Jesus Name l pray Amen.

Prayer Points

Image Source:istock  Prayer points: Father, l humble myself before You please, plug me into Your socket of Divine favour ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen Father refill me afresh with  wisdom and understanding and cause me to give each day of my life back to You ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen *Father please release upon me corporate anointing and grace that will help me to  affect and transform other lives around me ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen *Father, by Your mercy and loving kindness destroy every yoke of affliction, poverty and barrenness in my life and family ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen *Father let Your fire fall upon me afreash and let every power of darkness tormenting my life be exposed and be destroyed ln the Name of Jesus Christ Amen *Power of defilement, drinking the blood of my spiritual life vomit them by fire and die in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Heaven and Hell are Real Part3

  Image source:Dreamstime To confirm Hell fire is real, the Bible says:"Father Abraham, have mercy and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tounge for I am tormented in flames"(Like 16:24). Hell fire is so terrible that the rich man did not ask for a Jerry-can or liter of water but just a drop of water. Think about it? To confirm that Hell is a lake of fire and brimstone made for the Devil, and his followers: the Bible says:"The smoke of their torment ascends on high forever and ever: and they have no rest day and night"(Rev 14:11)  To confirm that Jesus Christ is coming back very soon, the Bible says:"Behold, I am coming quickly, and my price are with me, to give everyone according to his or her works" (Rev 22:12). These are authentic word of God. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Any word that goes out of his mouth shall not return to him void. It shall accomplish that which pleases Him (Isaiah 55:11). Having established thes